so if  you do choose the smartphone Adelaide Business Accountant app the  enter record screen would look like this  one with the receipt manager button  there as well allowing you use the  camera on your smartphone or on your  tablet to take a picture of those  receipts and upload them so let’s go to  the receipt manager

that takes us to the  receipt manager screen at the top we  have the option to scan a new receipt  you can browse your computer for an  existing receipt and attach it to this  bookkeeping entry and at the bottom  section you can see you can view  whatever images are attached to this  bookkeeping entry and you can attach  multiple images to the bookkeeping entry  as you like to the left you can choose  to delete that entry or if you want to  view

it just click on it and you can see  there is your receipt that you scanned  with your camera of your computer  and you can also print it so let’s say  we want to do another receipt with this  bookkeeping entry you would then just  choose scan receipt you would hold up  the receipt to your camera and you just  simply hold it until it steady and you  can no I’ll just rescan it okay and once  you’re satisfied you click done and you  simply head and you have the files show  up here and you can change the name if  you like and if you’re satisfied choose  submit and now we have both receipts on  this particular entry and we go back

to  our main screen once you’re satisfied  just choose Save Changes and we’re all  set and finally at the very top we can  see there’s larger buttons we have new  to create new booking view files you can  create files for each year or each  business you can choose to open the file  a previous file you can save your work  you can export your work to a PDF or a  spreadsheet format you can print  different reports and you can go back to  your setup screen to make changes

at any  time there’s also a handy notes button  that you can choose to make any kind of  notes that you would like to submit as  part of the bookkeeping file for easy  reference